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Business Model

It is our mandate to provide investment support and management services to international investors. The key elements to the business model that differentiate PRIAM from other service providers are as follows:


Client-facing team members are either fluent or native English speakers.

Service Level

PRIAM works to international standards and aims to translate local working practice and conventions to internationally recognised models.

No Conflict

PRIAM’s core services are management based, and as such it does not actively seek to originate transactions, undertake fee related leasing work or provide Technical Project Management services. This independence and objectivity in recommending specialist, task-oriented third party service providers not only mitigates the risk of a conflict of interest affecting its clients (a major advantage over other service providers) but also ensures that the best professional is hired for the job in hand.


PRIAM management services are designed to meet the specialised requirements of international investors, and is very sensitive to their needs, particularly the impact of onshore decision-making upon the efficiency of cross border tax structures.


PRIAM maintains all of its databases and property information systems to international standards.

Due Diligence

PRIAM offers full transaction and acquisition management services to international standards.


PRIAM provides a single-service management accounting and reporting function that mitigates the duplication of tasks between the rental and corporate accounts, significantly reducing costs.

Banking Requirements

PRIAM is sensitive to the needs of national and international lenders - especially issues relating to duty of care, security of rental account structures, reporting systems and management of data and information.

Indemnity Insurance

PRIAM holds and maintains adequate professional indemnity insurance.